Thyme In Is here to relieve you of the stress of hosting people in your home. Sit back and spend time with your guests while we take care of your evening.
Private Chef
If you are looking for elegant fare, but a simpler way of entertaining, without the stress of cooking a three course meal for friends or business colleagues, Thyme In can offer you a solution.
Just invite your guests, choose your courses and let us do the rest. You don’t even have to set foot in the kitchen all night. We will serve the food, clear it away, wash and clean up before we leave so you can spend the evening with your guests instead of stressing in the kitchen.
The Proof is in the pudding
Thyme In offers restaurant quality food that features local, seasonal produce and on-site cooking. We pride ourselves on our excellent service and commitment to delivering food of the highest standard for our discerning customers. Menus are written specifically for the season, venue and client’s taste. These menus are flexible and can change with input and feedback from our clients together with ideas gleaned from travels and experimentation in our kitchen.